Join me in my quest to fill every day with art and creativity and follow me while I journey to improve my talents and skills by creating something each day for 365 days.

Crea Diem!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Another Year, Gone

Freshman year is over!  And now I'm a Junior.  Funny how that works.

All in all, my freshman year at college was probably one of the greatest years ever.  At least in terms of learning about myself and really starting to become someone.  I had some bad points, but overall I'm pretty happy.

I was finally able to get some time last week to use the large scanner on campus to scan the rest of the pieces I did for my 2D design class last semester.  And without further ado, here they are!

These three were a series we had to do based on a previous work we'd done.  For some reason they remind me of the hero's journey.  The first one's my favorite.

This one is personally my favorite piece I did for this class, but unfortunately my professor was less than impressed.  To be fair, this was my first ballpoint pen drawing.  Anyways, the assignment was based on the golden mean.

This assignment was based on texts.  It was somewhat difficult since, at the time, I still couldn't text, but I just used some facebook messages instead.  It's a poem that my sister and I wrote together while she was downstairs making a sandwich and I was too lazy to go find her.  I really like how Megan turned out, but I look . . . special.

And finally - my final project.  I had a really hard time deciding what to do and changed my mind at least three times, the last time being the weekend before it was due.

 The one below is probably my favorite from this series.

Erggg!  Sorry this post is so late in coming (not to mention poorly written . . .).  But I've been extremely busy with a new family blog over at (psst . . . you should check it out) as well as Spring Term classes and getting ready for my Study Abroad (ohmigosh I leave next week!).  To leave you all with - here's another commission I finished for a friend of mine.  Yay!

Gosh I love those mannequins.

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